Is she/he eating enough?
I’ll bring my loved one the cookies he/she likes so much…

The catering service is also guaranteed with meals prepared according to the menus planned by the Health Management, upon proposal by the CHEF and after verification by the DIETICIAN.
We try to respect everyone’s dietary needs and tastes. The menus are planned on a weekly basis and are posted on the notice board in each ward. Meals are served at set times and in dedicated rooms on each floor, to ensure that all Guests receive the best possible service. It is important to have your cooperation so as not to alter your loved one’s habits.
If you like, you can ask to have lunch with your loved one on a daily basis, in the dedicated areas, by booking through the kitchen service.

However, we ask you not to linger in the dining rooms while meals are being served: this is a moment to be enjoyed by your family member and the other guests to enjoy in full peace and quiet, without any additional external stimuli or distractions. There are other convenient times to visit.
Do not bring “extra” food or drinks without first being authorised by the Facility Physician. What you bring in from outside may not be appropriate for your loved one’s current health conditions or the diet that has been specially designed to keep him/her well.
Don’t worry: if there are no health risks, he/she can eat the desserts on the menu and drink the recommended amount of wine per meal.