With the wish to be open to the community, the Cavalier Francesco Menotti Institute – Onlus promotes and favours the presence of volunteers as an expression of participation and solidarity, to carry out activities of support, entertainment and help to the elderly.
The task of each volunteer is to offer all the guests of our Assisted Living Facility a close and supportive human interaction, following specific instructions from the Institute’s reference professionals (educators, nurses, etc.).
Becoming a Assisted Living Facility volunteer
To volunteer for the elderly at our Assisted Living Facility it is necessary to fill in an application form and send it to us at: personale@istitutomenotti.it
Suitability for voluntary service is acquired through appropriate cognitive and motivational interviews.
We are grateful to the association AVO – ASSOCIAZIONE VOLONTARI OSPEDALIERI (Hospital Volunteers’ Association) which, through the presence of its volunteers, allows our guests to spend enjoyable hours.
AVO Varese has been active since 1981 offering voluntary work in the Varese area spreading solidarity, offering free services and promoting social responsibility. Its goal is to ensure a friendly presence, offering human warmth, a listening ear and help to fight suffering, isolation and boredom in hospitals and Assisted Living Facilities.
AVO volunteers do not carry out technical-professional tasks, which are the exclusive responsibility of medical and paramedical staff.