The Public Protection Office (UPT) is an independent office set up by the Health Protection Agencies (ATS, formerly ASL) and established by the Lombardy Region, with DGR number 10884 of 23 December 2009, as a protective instrument for people who wish to use the services provided by the ATS and accredited private health and sociomedical facilities. The UPT ensures that the rights of users established by national and regional legislation are made effective and usable, also verifying that the conditions laid down in the Service Charter are respected.

To this end, the UPT:

  • Checks the status of implementation, enforcement and dissemination of the Service Charter;
  • Monitors the services and carries out checks on the services provided, with regard to information and the humanisation of services;
  • Intervenes to ensure informed access to services;
  • It liaises closely with the ATS Public Relations Office (OPR) and the Office for Legal Protection (UPG).

All citizens can submit complaints to report inefficiencies, critical issues or limitations in the use of services.

The Public Protection Office is located in Via O. Rossi, 9 – Varese (central pavilion) To ask for intervention, please contact the person in charge: Tel. 0332 277 544 e-mail: call from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am or leave a message on the answering machine.

Manager: Luca Croci


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