Assisted Living Facility Hospitality Services

An Assisted Living Facility ideal for Guests from Milan, Varese and Como


The administration and guest management office is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Admission at the facility takes place after contacting by phone the Guest Management Office and the Social Worker, who provide all the necessary information.

At that time, it is possible to book an appointment to visit the facility between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. or in the afternoon starting from 3:00 p.m. At the time of admission, it is necessary to sign the contract and consent to the processing of the personal data.

The Institute handles requests for admission from residents in the Lombardy Region by placing them on a special waiting list, given the lack of free beds;

  • The waiting list for each type of ward is split into two sections: Men and Women;
  • Requests for admission to the Assisted Living Facility are included in the waiting list and sorted according to the date of submission of the request;
  • When a place becomes available, contact is made with the first person in the list in chronological order;
  • The admission request review is carried out by the Health Director and the Social Worker.

All the forms needed to access the facility can be found on this website and on the footer of each page or can be picked up at the Foundation offices during the office business hours.


The facility is split into ten living units in two buildings with a total of 167 beds.

Each room is equipped to host a television, which can be brought along.

The rooms can be embellished by the Guest’s personal belongings as long as they respect the safety rules in accordance with the regulations in force.


The cleaning and sanitisation service is provided directly by the Foundation and is carried out by specialised personnel, using products and machinery in compliance with the regulations in force.

The ordinary cleaning of the premises is organised in such a way as to make operations compatible with the Guests’ rest periods. Residents’ rooms, toilets, assisted bathrooms, tea rooms and all common areas are cleaned daily.


The cloakroom, laundry and ironing service is in-house and included in the fees.

An inventory of the clothes is drawn up when the guest is admitted and each individual item is marked accordingly.

Cleaned clothes are provided to the Guests three times a week.


The facility has a restaurant service with an in-house kitchen run by a Chef.

The restaurant service is guaranteed through the preparation of meals according to menus prepared by the Health Management upon proposal of the facility’s chef and verification by the dietician, respecting the dietary needs of each individual.

The menus follow a weekly schedule and can be found posted on the noticeboard in each ward.

Lunch is served in the dining room available in each unit, which is equipped with a tea room.

Every day, the OSS staff checks the menu for the following day for each guest, adding, from time to time, any changes in line with the guest’s preferences. Seasonal dishes are prepared and the recipes are in line with the traditions of our land.

Drinks and wine are included in the fees.


The facility has two refreshment areas with coffee, tea, savoury and sweet products sold through vending machines for guests and relatives.



In 2016, the new men’s and women’s hairdressing salon opened in the building, in a large, bright room overlooking the park. It is accessed via the internal corridor.

The room is equipped with 3 workstations and all the necessary equipment.

The cost of the service is included in the fees. For people who are unable to move, the service is provided in the room during personal care time. The service is organised in such a way that each guest can access it at least every 15 days. For single room guests, it is possible to have the service performed every week.

Twenty-five employees with O.S.S. qualification participated in a training course carried out in collaboration with the “Dorsi Accademy” of Varese for a total of 120 hours of training in hair care and podiatric care. They are daily available to the Guests according to facility staff shifts.


Transportation service is provided when a guest needs to leave the facility for health exams or specialist exams called for by the Foundation’s doctors, provided that the Guest’s condition allows the use of the appropriate means of transportation.

The transportation service is organised by the facility’s outpatient department and includes accompanying staff to support the guest when necessary.


It is possible to receive telephone calls directly in the unit, with the exception of when the catering service is provided.

Guests who wish to send correspondence can hand it over to the entertainment staff or directly to the Guest Management staff, who will take care of delivering it to the respective recipients.

Please note that it is possible to connect with the entertainment team, by pre-arranged appointment, through a Webcam service.